Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cubs Convention Post 3

The two big events of the night were the Autograph Scavenger Hunt and Cubs Bingo. We didn't play Bingo, but I will next year. And we didn't get a scavenger hunt map so we lost quite a bit of time on that game.

However, we DID run into Senior Vice-President/Scouting and Player Development Jason McLeod in the hotel lobby.

Then we found a map and were at this point at least a half hour behind everyone else. But we did meet Logan Watkins this way. He was quite the charmer, and he promised to follow us on twitter, but we're still waiting.

We got to talk to Barret Loux again and more photos. He was in a room with Alan on security. Dear Alan. He is awesome. But I do like to warn the new players to stay away from his bad influence. Sorry, Alan.

When we got down to the ground floor, we found out KERRY WOOOOOD was signing! Mike had already gotten an autograph. We waited in line.

Here he is.

Yeah.....they cut it off literally at ME.

It probably would've been cut off sooner, due to Kerry's charity event that night, but another twitter friend of mine, Mike, made some fun comments and got Kerry's attention, so he said to cut the line after Mike.

Come on, Mike. Why couldn't you say I was with you?

But I highfived him on my way out, so I am pretty excited about that. I said, "How about a high five?" and he said, "Nahhhh," and then, "Just kidding," and he fived me. This is the hand.

I bought a few baseball cards, then wandered over to this table. Who is sitting here signing but Rollie Fingers and Gaylord Perry!

But next to them was one of Randy Hundley. Interestingly enough, my non-baseball friend Kaylee ran into him and his son Todd while she worked at a golf course in Lake Barrington.

This woman forgot her camera, so I promised to e-mail her this photo. However, the e-mail bounced back to me. If anyone knows this woman, let me know so I can send her the photo.

For some reason, I got very emotional speaking with Randy. Okay, I know why I was emotional. We were talking about my dad's sickness and his wife's death, and we both just cried, and he hugged me about a million times, and I decided that he is one of the greatest people I have ever met.

After this, we headed upstairs to the WGN Radio's Sports Night, where one of the greatest minds in sports, Dave Kaplan, spoke with Jeff Samardzija, Matt Garza, Scott Baker, and Scott Feldman. And the first thing the KapMan asks Shark is, "During your time at Notre Dame, did you have a fake girlfriend?" And Jeff said, "No, it was the other way around." I am still trying to figure out what that meant. Also, during this time, Jeff Samardzija remarked that he is anti-twitter. He said he doesn't have the filter on his words that he would need.

Anyway, it was very entertaining.

The next show featured Darwin Barney, Anthony Rizzo, and David DeJesus. Three of my favorites up on the stage. And all of them were really well-spoken. Anthony Rizzo really has a great stage presence. And if David DeJesus isn't a professional speaker after his baseball career, I will be shocked.

And after, one of the best parts of the nights, who did we find in the lobby but ERIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She had to go to school first (what a good mom!) so she was late. But here she is, and she was already feisty.

And that was it for Friday night!

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