Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cubs Convention Part One

This was my first ever trip to the Cubs Convention, and I wasn't really sure what to expect. I found Angela right away, of course. I hate doing anything Cubsie without her. And then I ran into so many members of my summer family, including one of my favorites, Dennis. He likes to tell me I do EVERYTHING wrong. But I know he actually misses me. He was one of those autograph hunters who went after the guy who mugged me outside Wrigley. I also met several of my Twitter followers, people I felt a great closeness to merely through our 140 character posts to each other.

I said to Angela, "I promise not to scream when I see Steve," and then, right on cue, who came through the lobby but Steve Clevenger and his beautiful, sweet, very patient fiancee Tiffany. I ran up to him and just squealed. At least I didn't scream. Here we are with Steve, and also you can see Dennis in the background acting like a fool. I love him.

I asked Steve how much he missed us on a scale of 1-10 and he said, "10." Obviously, he knew there was no other acceptable answer.

We wanted to catch up on his life, but we also wanted to let him eat, so he promised to talk with us when he got back.

A few minutes later, who walked by but James Russell, Shawn Camp, Andy Lane, and Travis Wood, and their faces lit up when they saw us. There were hugs galore. I know I sound like I'm bragging, but that's because I am. Seriously, though, it must show them our dedication when we are out there day after day, night after night, no matter the weather or the score, cheering our hearts out and waving our signs.

Can you see tell whose back this is?

If you said, Anthony Rizzo, you are correct! First he walked by Angela and me with a big smile and said, "Hey, guys!" It had been a long time since I had been a part of these boys' lives, and I guess I had underestimated our impact on them, that they would remember us after these months. But we are super loud, so I guess it's to expected.

As he was assaulted by fans on all sides, he introduced Angela as his first Chicago fan. I think that's why he's always extra nice to us--he remembers Angela from last year's Convention, and he's an Italian like us, so he is loyal.

Then I saw Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts. I informed him that I would be on his payroll someday. He smiled and said he looked forward to it.

Well, Steve came back, and I monopolized his time. I also got to talk to Tiffany a little. I'm always impressed by baseball wives. They don't have much of a choice other than to let their lives revolve around baseball, which means they don't have much time for themselves, their friends, and their families. And of course, they can be uprooted at any time. Tiffany is one of the most supportive gals--I saw her at many, many games.

Steve took a break for his adoring public.

I reluctantly let Steve leave and concentrated on the suited-up men standing in the lobby. They were all prospects, I assumed. The only one I recognized was outfielder Matt Czcur.

So I just walked up them and said, "Hey, I'm the biggest Cubs fan ever, but I don't see you guys enough to recognize you. So who are you guys?" So they all introduced themselves graciously. This is pitcher Robert Whitenack.

And this is pitcher Zac Rosscup.

And this is infielder Javier Baez.

And this is pitcher Nick Struck.

And this is infielder Jae-Hoon Ha.

And this is pitcher Marcus Hatley.

And this is pitcher Trey McNutt.

 And this is pitcher Barret Loux.

And this is pitcher Dallas Beeler.

And this is pitcher Tony Zych.

Remember those faces, people. They are the future of the Cubs!

Oh, and then I ran into one of my favorite people, ex-student, fellow Cubs fan, and aspiring PR extraordinaire Mike Bruce!

Other Cubs staff, players, coaches, and the like filtered in and out of the lobby, but really, these people at the bottom were the people I wanted to see. Andy on the far left and Katie on the far right are avid Cubs fans and great people. Follow them on twitter: @katiecernak and @andyrussell299.

Soon afterwards, we headed down for the Opening Ceremonies. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. How funny is it to see Javier Baez just as some middle infielder?
