Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cubs Convention Part 6

The thing about Cubs Convention is that so far, I had spent a lot of time with people I loved, but I still hadn't seen enough of the people I loved most. Cue Michael Bowden and Steve Clevenger.

Well, here's Michael Bowden. Angela calls him the Angel in the Bullpen, and he really is. He is a good person. Seriously, if he has ever told a lie in his life, I will give you a million dollars. That is how sure I am of his integrity. Oh, and I forgot to tell you he is also a fantastic pitcher. When he came up to the bigs toward the end of the season, he was fantastic.

And here's Steve.

Can I just say one more time how excited I always am when I see Steve Clevenger? Seriously, he is my favorite times a million. And I can't say enough good about him.

Look, you also get the zoomed in version!

And here's Josh Vitters. Usually when I see him, I remind him that me and Angela (but really, just Angela) bought him Sprinkles cupcakes for his birthday.

Here's Keith Moreland, former Cubs player and current Cubs radio broadcaster. Since I spend most of my free time in my car driving, he is the way I usually "see" the game when I am not at the game.

Oh, I think you want to see the zoom.

Brooks Raley....I think when he is up in Chicago on the regs, he and I will become fast friends. He just seems like a nice kid.

Now, here's Chris Rusin. I am still trying to figure him out. For some reason, I am like speechlessly intimidated by him. I don't know why. I am pretty sure he's not mean, and I am pretty sure he's one of those funny people with a dry sense of humor. But he really intimidates me. He's having a really good spring, so it looks like he's going to start the season in Chicago. Maybe my intimidation will wear off. I don't know.

I don't know why the person felt he had to take this picture from space.

Here's Cubs great Milt Pappas. Milt stayed longer than he was scheduled for to sign extra autographs. What a nice guy!

The best part of the evening is yet to be blogged. Stay tuned! That's mainly for Fitzy.

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