Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Soxfest 2013 Part Two

In the middle of the night between Saturday and Sunday, I felt worse than death, so I called my sister and told her we were not going to SoxFest Sunday. But then I decided, no, I was going. I make decisions weirdly. I couldn't get ahold of Veronica, so I had to go alone.

Since I got there late, I was unable to secure a spot to see Tony LaRussa, so I settled for Hector Santiago, a very likable gentleman. It was not as fun alone. Nick was off getting everyone's auto. We made a deal that I would try to get Joe Crede for him and he would get LaRussa for me. But you're only supposed to get one thing signed, so it seemed like a long shot.

Anyway, here's nice-guy Hector. He is one of the most fan-friendly players I have ever met, and I think he's going to be great for the Sox.

I then went to get a photo with Addison Reed. I mean, who wouldn't want that? He's a doll.

We got a photo with my camera, but the Sox camera broke (no jokes about me being ugly, please. I'm very sensitive). So it ended up being a photo shoot with my camera while we waited.

I was uncomfy with so many pictures of me next to him. I mean, seriously. He's just so cute. So I started making small talk. Here, you can see that he's like, "Okay, get her outta here!"

But I am an acquired taste, and soon I had him laughing uproariously. He probably wished for me to never leave, but we needed to be fair to other people.

One of the things I asked Addy about was how it felt always losing players. Did he miss them? Did it make him sad. He said, no, it was all part of the game, and they know that going in. But I can't help but wonder if that was just his little "Addison Reed, I'm a kid trying to prove myself so I gotta act tough" thing. I mean, you're a human! Don't you miss people? He's so cute. though.

I then went to pay tribute to John Danks again. I really love this guy.

I got a Joe Crede wristband next, and the problem with that is, once you get a wristband, you can't go in any more lines. One wristband only. So I went downstairs, and at the Comcast booth, you could meet those guys without a wristband. So I decided to get in line for Tom Paciorek. He was the TV guy with Hawk Harrelson when I first became a fan, so it was really cool to meet him. I was weirdly nervous.

In line, I was talking to my dad, when something green came up behind me and took my phone. It was Southpaw.

Here I am with Tom Paciorek. I talked to him a little and he hugged me, then told everyone my hair smelled amazing.

More time to kill, but then I saw that there was a seminar with some of my favorite people, including Robin Ventura (all-time favorite), Darrin Jackson, and Bobby Thigpen, who I loved to watch pitch back with my 90s Sox. I was alone, but the room was packed, and I just decided I would go up and ask a question.

First, I said that Robin should've been manager of the year, because HE SHOULD HAVE! And then I asked when they would bring back Craig Grebeck, causing this great laugh from the people up on stage.

Then I just asked Robin about coaching with guys he had played with. It was nice. Here he is running away from me.

Then I went to the Alexei Ramirez photo session, but Frank Thomas was leaving! I high-fived him and wished there was a way to preserve my hand.

And then I got an autograph from him. He's so nice.

Here I am with Alexei.

And then I finally met Joe Crede! People said he was mean, but he was so nice to me! I love third baseman, and I had admired him for a long time. He signed my card and Nick's and then took a photo.

I did rush down to see Gordon Beckham. This is the most I saw of him all weekend. Not enough!

Oh--and Nick did get me that LaRussa autograph! He didn't want to trade but a deal's a deal.

And that is it for my SoxFest adventure! 

Sox Fest 2013, Part One

Since most of my readers are Cubs fans, they always become indignant when I bring up the fact that I am also a Cubs fan. I actually began my baseball odyssey as a Sox fan, so if it weren't for the Sox I might enjoy shopping or badminton or something like that. I would not say that the Sox are my favorite team--probably like my third favorite team. But I enjoy them. 

Now, I was not even planning to go to SoxFest. I don't have money. But I received an unexpected gift, and Friday night, I decided to go. So here is my time at Sox Fest.

First, here's Nick. Nick saved me and my sister Veronica a spot in line. He wanted Konerko first thing Saturday morning, but I was all about Jake Peavy. I'd never met him, plus I'd tweeted to him earlier in the week about our mutual love of Amos Lee. Anyway, Nick ditched the Konerko situation and joined us for Peavy. He would definitely want me to post this picture of him with my sister in the Peavy line.

Anyway, it was almost time for me to talk to Jake Peavy, and, boy of boy, was I excited. I started taking thousands of photos of him. I even had some of him winking. He winks at people a lot.

After what seemed like a 14-inning game, it was finally my turn to talk to Jake. I am in awe at this moment. 

I didn't know what to say (Nick would probably say, to say nothing, you weirdo"), so I just started blubbering about Amos Lee, and we had a nice chat, but I think people wanted to murder me, so I just got a picture and left, walking on air.

Then I went over to the photo area, and got a picture with Harold Baines.

Then I pranced over tmeet up with Dayan Viciedo.

And then over to Alexei Ramirez. I wanted to tell him in Spanish that I liked his watch. I butchered it. He corrected me.

Now, for some reason, the other people I really love are the bullpen and Tyler Flowers. I was super excited about him being our catcher. I was so excited to talk to him and Nate Jones. But I was too shy to ask for a photo,

Who knows what inane topic I chose to talk about here? That's why I should really write these soon afterward. I think I was telling him that Cisco, the parking lot security guy and my friend, said hello.

I think at this point I was thinking seriously of asking for a photo.

This is me chickening out and just getting the handshake.

Here's Nate Jones and my sister.

Another ridiculous love of  mine is John Danks. Now, say what you will, but I really have high hopes for him once he's totally healthy. Veronica didn't want a photo, so I went down there, and who is available for photos but Veronica's new favorite player (now that AJ is gone), Chris Sale. So I got a photo.

And here I am with John Danks. He is such a southerner.

I then went and talked to another guy I love, Gavin Floyd.

When we went to Chris Sale's line, he was being such a nice guy. A boy in front of me who had what I am guessing is autism asked Chris what he had for lunch. That is this kid's thing--asking people what they had for lunch. Chris talked to him for a very long time and then came out from behind the table and took a picture with him. Above and beyond, as usual. I told Chris he was a really good guy, and he looked embarassed and mumbled, "I try to be," and smiled.

So Veronica did get her photo with Chris.

A Gavin Floyd photo opportunity? Okay.

This next part was one of my favorite things ever! As I mentioned earlier in this post, I was a Sox fan first. I became a baseball junkie at age 14 after watching a Sox game in 1992. I fell in love with the 1992 White Sox. At the helm of their pitching staff was  a quirky ginger named Jack McDowell. Never in a million years did I think I would actually meet him!

But meet him, I did.

He was perfectly lovely! Look at him. He looks like he actually cares about what I am saying. I don't know what I said, except that I know I asked him about Craig Grebeck, another White Sox alum, and he told me his kids and played ball with Grebeck's kids out in California. Craig Grebeck, if you are reading this, contact the White Sox. I ask Rick Hahn about you every chance I get.

Meeting Jack was an enormous honor and treat, as you can tell from my face.

To round out the day, I went and talked to my two favorite and definitely the best ever radio announcers. Here I am with Ed Farmer.

And here I am with Darrin Jackson. I think I have scared Darrin off at this point. I just adore him so much.

Cubs Convention Part Nine

This was the last day of Cubs Convention. I was pretty tired, but I still managed to get up in time to be in Darwin Barney's autograph line. Everyone wanted a piece of him. And then he was late. Tardy, tardy, Darwin. It was pretty disappointing. And because of his sleeping in, by the time I got out of his line, Scott Baker's line was closed. Whatevs. He was worth the wait.

Now, the Cubs security started to get kind of pushy about getting photos with the players. And I get that, because people were wanting to move the lines along, etc. But I watched Angela jump into Darwin's little area from Scott Baker's, and I was like, NO. She didn't wake up in time--she should suffer. Of course, she didn't suffer. Darwin loves her. She got a photo with him and like seven autographs. Sheesh.

So i got up and snapped a good one. I love this so much. His bed head is A-MAAAAZING! And also, that security guard in the background, and I think his name is Bob or something, screamed at me after. I don't care. It was worth it.

I then went over and talked to James Russell. James and I are pretty tight. He made a fan cave video for me, which was ultimately unsuccessful, but whatever. It was awesome. He said I'm the Cubs biggest fan. I knew he would have a great season. Don't we look like BFFs here?

Oh, and this is us chatting. He is entranced by my words.

Now, the autograph/meet and greet portion was about done. But some of the people in the Darwin Barney line had been reading a book that they got at the Convention called The Chicago Cap Murders. Naturally, I had to check it out. That is where I found the book, as well as its author and his wife. This is the writer, Warren Friedman. He was simply lovely. If you are a Cubs fan and a Chicago fan, you should read the book. It's amazing how accurately he gets every detail about Chicago!

In the lobby, ready to leave, who do I see but good old Alan, my favorite Under Armor spokesperson!

Here's our crew. It had been a long but awesome weekend.

And just when we were thinking about food, I spotted Josh Vitters. Erin, who had been sleeping, woke up immediately. This is her sleepily waiting for Josh Vitters to take a picture with her. Isn't she the cutest?

Here's me and Josh. He looks fresh.

And here is the autographed ball I got in my Cubs Convention mystery bag. Who the crack is this?

It was a great weekend, and here I will leave you with some of the Pepsi booth pictures.

Me and Steve Trout

Me and Dave Sappelt

All of us and Tony Campana

Me and Tony Campana

Hey, Cubs fans, go to Cubs Convention next year. It isn't all about autographs and meeting the players--although if you think you're too cool to enjoy that, you are a pretentious snob. You get to see cool things, meet awesome people, and learn a lot. I think I liked the seminars more than almost anything. Next year, we're staying at the hotel.